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Marking reimbursable expenses

Mark expenses as reimbursable, and how to find whether an expense is reimbursable.

Manuel Ensinger avatar
Written by Manuel Ensinger
Updated this week

Circula distinguishes between the expenses that are reimbursable and those that are not.

When users enter the expense details in their smartphone, they can indicate whether or not a given expense is reimbursable.

In the mobile app

  • Select "Expense should be reimbursed" if you paid the expense with your own means of payment. This option is pre-set.

In the web app

  • When submitting an expense, select 'Expense is reimbursable':

  • When controlling an expense, look whether the field 'Reimbursable expense' is active or not. This entry may be edited by accountants only.

Note for accountants:

Before exporting expenses from Circula into your financial accounting system, please note that a second creditor number should be set for non-reimbursable expenses in the User Management for all submitters. All submitters must be assigned their respective creditor number for reimbursable expenses so that the correct creditor account is addressed in financial accounting. The second creditor number, on the other hand, can be the same for all users and is used to record amounts that do not have to be reimbursed.

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