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Ordering DATEV-data services for clients

Find out how to order data services such as the DATEV Rechnungsdatenservice 1.0 or the DATEV Lohnimportdatenservice for clients.

Manuel Ensinger avatar
Written by Manuel Ensinger
Updated over 10 months ago

At a glance

  • The correct product can be selected in the MyDATEV Mandantenregistrierung and the SmartLogin can be ordered to authorise the interface.

  • The order must be made to the client-used consultant number (mandantengenutzte Beraternummer)

  • When ordering, the necessary rights for the ordered product must be assigned.

  • Finally, the ordered product must be set up for use (esp. "Bearbeitungsform Erweitert" for Rechnungsdatenservice 1.0)

Start the MyDATEV Mandantenregistrierung

Data services are ordered for clients in the DATEV Arbeitsplatz via MyDATEV Mandantenregistrierung.

  1. Open the module "Unsere Kanzlei" in DATEV Arbeitsplatz

    Further information can be found in the DATEV Help Centre under: "Unsere Kanzlei (Arbeits-/Navigationsbereich)".

  2. Select client from "Aktive Mandanten"

    ❗ Note: The service "Buchführung" (for Rechnungsdatenservice 1.0) or "Lohnabrechnung" (for Lohnimportdatenservice) must be set.

  3. Start the "MyDATEV Mandantenregistrierung"

    MyDATEV Mandantenregistrierung can be opened either under "kontextbezogene Links" > "Onlineanwendungen", or by using the "Programmsuche".

Ordering a Dataservice

A Dataservice for clients can be ordered in the MyDATEV Mandantenregistrierung. The DATEV Rechnungsdatenservice 1.0 or the DATEV Lohnimportdatenservice are relevant for the interface to Circula.

  1. Login with DATEV SmartCard

    The Login to MyDATEV Mandantenregistrierung is done with the DATEV SmartCard, a DATEV SmartLogin is not sufficient for this. Then click on "Registrierung starten".

  2. Choose product

    • DATEV Rechnungsdatenservice 1.0 for accounting

    • DATEV Lohnimportdatenservice for payroll accounting

    Select the required product by clicking on "Produkt auswählen".

  3. Define persons (users)

    Here you have the option of assigning a new client-used advisor number ("mandantengenutzte Beraternummer") or reusing an existing client-used advisor number ("mandantengenutzte Beraternummer").

    ❗ Note: An interface is always ordered via the consultant number used by the client (mandantengenutzte Beraternummer ("Unterberaternummer")).

    You can now either create a new person or select an existing person. Click on "DATEV SmartLogin" to order the SmartLogin.

    ❗ Note: The SmartLogin is used by the person to authorise exports from Circula to DATEV. To do this, the same user must have the Accountant role in "Users outside groups" in Circula.

    Then click on "Weiter zur Bestellung".

  4. Contract conclusion

    You can check all the details on the overview page, then accept the terms and conditions and finalise the order by clicking on"Verbindlich bestellen".

Set up data service

  1. Assign authorisations

    You can now assign rights to people. To do this, click on the person and tick the correct authorisations (Rechnungsdatenservice 1.0 or Lohnimportdatenservice).

    ❗ Note: Only Administrators (usually law firm owners) can assign authorisations. Law firm employees can pre-authorise rights when ordering products; an administrator then only needs to confirm these rights.

    Then click on “Rechte vergeben”

  2. Set up product

    In addition to the contract creation, further steps are necessary for utilisation, depending on the DATEV data service ordered.

    Setup Rechnungsdatenservice 1.0

    Enter the consultant and client number (Berater- und Mandantennummer) and tick the box for Belege online (in the Bearbeitungsform Erweitert).

    Then click "Weiter", enter the company name and click again on "Weiter", enter a phone number (optional) and click again on "Weiter"

    You can now set up the Einstellungen Belegordner (the receipts are saved in this folder):

    • Name the folder (f.e.: Buchführung 2024)

    • Set up the Bearbeitungsform für Belege online ("Mit Lieferantenrechnungen arbeiten" and "Mit Kundenrechnungen arbeiten" must be set to "Erweitert".)

    Then click on "Weiter", enter the financial year, the G/L account length ("Sachkontenlänge") and the G/L chart of accounts ("Sachkontenrahmen"), click on "Weiter" again, confirm the T&Cs and click on "Kostenpflichtig bestellen".

Using the correct organisational terms ("Ordnungsbegriffe")

Consultant and client numbers ("Berater- und Mandantennummern") are taken from the service ("Buchführung") of the DATEV Arbeitsplatz (""As the bookkeeping or payroll accounting runs").

In most cases, the law firm consultant number ("Kanzleiberaternummer") is correct (if the bookkeeping/payroll accounting runs via the law firm), in some cases the client-used consultant number (mandantengenutzte Beraternummer (“Unterberaternummer”)) is correct instead.

Send registration data

Once registration is complete, DATEV sends the initial registration data for the SmartLogin (incl. help document for activation) to the person by post.

By clicking on "E-Mail anzeigen", you also have the option of informing the client with a ready-made e-mail.

If a person from the tax consultancy is responsible for the interface and the transfer from Circula to DATEV Unternehmen online, they also need the necessary rights on their SmartCard (for the corresponding client-used consultant number (mandantengenutzte Beraternummer ("Unterberaternummer"))).

This can be set up via the Rechteverwaltung online under Rechnungswesen or Personalwirtschaft.

💡 The DATEV help section is also available for more information and practical support. You can continue reading here.

💡 If you need help with ordering or setting up DATEV data services, you can book a free telephone appointment with the DATEV-Partner-Onboarding-Team via this link.

You can find out exactly how exports via the interface work in the article "Transfer to DATEV Unternehmen Online (Cloud Services)".

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