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The Voucher Benefit: Frequently asked questions
The Voucher Benefit: Frequently asked questions


Written by Özge E.
Updated over 3 weeks ago

At a glance

  • In this article you will find frequently asked questions about the voucher benefit.

With the Voucher Benefit (Sachbezug) from Circula, employees receive up to €50 more per month in net salary in the form of tax-free voucher benefits, which can be redeemed at numerous partner shops of your choice throughout Germany.


  • Learn more about the legal background and interesting facts about the Voucher Benefit in our Wiki article.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Voucher Benefit (Sachbezug) and what can be acquired through the vouchers?

According to the legislator, voucher benefits (Sachbezüge) are goods and services worth money that is not paid out in the form of a salary, for example, and in our case are purchased through third-party providers. These vouchers are redeemed for goods or services at the partner shop, but cannot be exchanged for cash or salary.

Furthermore, since 01.01.2022, vouchers from online marketplaces, such as Amazon or Zalando, are no longer benefits in kind. Further information on the types of income can be found under § 8 paragraph 1 sentence 3 EStG.

Can vouchers also be requested via the Circula mobile app?

Yes, the voucher benefit can be requested in the web app and the mobile app.

Up until when can vouchers be requested in the Circula App?

Vouchers can be requested until the 20th of the respective calendar month. Pay attention to the respective deadline here and decide on a voucher of your choice in good time.

The reason for this is that we need to avoid violating tax principles.

I have changed my mind, can I exchange my voucher?

No, you can only select one voucher each month. Once a voucher has been selected and ordered for a month, it is no longer possible to change it. Another voucher can only be ordered in the following month.

Why can't I use my voucher immediately, even though I requested it today?

Your voucher must first be released by our voucher partner in order to be redeemed by you. This can take a few minutes or even a few hours, so if your voucher cannot be used immediately, it has not yet been released.

Do vouchers have to be redeemed within the month in which they were requested?

No, depending on the voucher partner, the deadlines of the respective partner business apply.

What is the value of the vouchers?

Since 31.12.2021, the voucher benefit in the form of digital vouchers up to €50 per month are tax and social security free, see § 8 paragraph 2 sentence 11 EStG. The vouchers in our app are therefore limited to €50 per month.

Is voucher splitting possible?

No, in principle splitting is not possible. You have the option of choosing a voucher of your choice once a month.

How many vouchers can I receive per month?

A maximum of one voucher per month is allowed. The amount of vouchers available is stated in the app for each partner shop. Further information on this can be found in the BMF letter dated March 2022.

Can several voucher benefit amounts from previous months be added together?

No, this is not legally possible, as employees are entitled to a maximum of €50 per month in voucher form. This means you can receive a maximum of €50 in voucher form at one time.

In some cases, you can redeem several voucher codes at once in the checkout process, but this is outside Circula's responsibility.

Do non-cash benefits have to be shown on the payslip?

Yes, usually non-cash benefits must be shown on the payslip.

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