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Invitation E-Mail

How to activate your user account after receiving the invitation email.

Written by Özge E.
Updated over a week ago

At a glance

  • As soon as one of the admins has invited you to the company account, you will receive an invitation email.

  • You can use the link in that email to log in to your Circula account.

Activating your account

After the admins of your company invite you to Circula, you will receive an invitation E-Mail. After just a few steps, you can log in to your Circula account.

  1. Click on the Link in the invitation E-Mail.

  2. Create your password.

  3. Activate your account by clicking "Activate Account".

The next steps


  • Due to the different user roles on Circula, the various functions that Circula offers you may vary. You can find more information about the user roles here.

Depending on your user role, you can use various functions on Circula:

  • All users can submit their expenses using the mobile app (iOS, Android) and/or the web app.

  • Additionally, any user can be assigned the roles of accountant, supervisor, and/or administrator. These roles give access to additional functionalities in the web app.

Setting Notifications

You can choose whether you want to receive notifications from Circula or not. To set the notifications, follow the steps below.

  1. First click on your name in the bottom left corner and then click on "Account Settings".

    Your personal notification settings in the web app

  2. Then click on the tab "Notifications".

    Notification Settings in the web app

    Here, you can determine whether and which notifications you want to receive for your expenses and benefits.

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