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Controlling expenses

How accountants control expenses in the web app.

Written by Eileen Rohlfs
Updated this week

This article describes how to control single expenses. See the following article for a detailed explanation on how to control trips.

Controlling expenses in 1 click - video

As an accountant you can control expenses in the web app. To open the expense details view, click on the expense row. You will then have access to general and specific controls over the selected expense.

General Controls

  1. Expense view: contains all the controlling-relevant information related to the expense. Depending on the type of expense (mileage, per diem or standard expense), the information displayed will vary.

  2. History view: shows the history of changes made on the expense.

  3. Actions bar: here you can perform the main and secondary actions over an expense:

  • Mark as controlled: when you mark an expense as controlled, your work on it is done. Note that changes to the submitted expense before selecting this option will be applied.

  • Reject: if there’s anything that requires the submitters input before you can proceed with the controlling you can send the expense back by rejecting it. You can add a specific reason to the rejection. The submitter will be able to make changes and re-submit the expense. In case you don’t want the expense to be re-submitted, you can make use of the delete option.

Secondary actions:

  • Save changes: save changes made to the expense without marking it as controlled. Useful if your company has a four eye policy!

  • Delete expense: if you delete an expense it will be removed from all of your lists. Users are informed in case one of their submitted expenses got deleted. Same as with rejection, you also have the option to add a deletion reason for the employee.

The actions bar is where you decide what to do next with the expense being controlled.

Editing expense details

Getting expenses booking-ready

Most of the information in the expense details is provided by the submitting employee. Accountants can control and, if needed, change any of the submitted data.

Some data that requires more in depth knowledge of the company’s accounting principles are not provided by the employee and therefore will arrive without any values:

  • VAT rate

  • Invoice ID

  • Expense splits

By default, the cost center assigned to the submitter’s group will be selected. This can however be adjusted if needed. See here to learn about how to set up cost centers.

Revert to control

Accountants can revert a controlled expense from Ready for Export back to Pending Controlling. To do so, open the expense and click on the button in the lower left corner:

The actions bar of an expense in Ready for Export.

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