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Approving expenses

How supervisors approve expenses in the web app.

Manuel Ensinger avatar
Written by Manuel Ensinger
Updated today

Users with the role of supervisor get to approve or reject expenses submitted by their team using the web app.

Approving expenses in one click video

To view the expenses that need review:

  • Go to Approve & Control, tab Pending Approval

Expenses to approve can be found in the Pending Approval tab

  • To open the expense details view, click on the expense row. You will then have access to general and specific controls over the selected expense.

General controls

  • Expense view: contains all the approving-relevant information related to the expense. Depending on the type of expense (mileage, per diem or standard expense), the information displayed will vary.

  • History view: shows the history of changes made on the expense.

  • Actions bar: here you can either approve or reject the expense:

Mark as approved: When you mark an expense as approved, your work on it is done. Note that you cannot make any changes to the submitted expense.

Reject: if there’s anything that requires the submitters input before you can proceed with the approving you can send the expense back by rejecting it. You can add a specific reason to the rejection. The submitter will be able to make changes and re-submit the expense.

The actions bar is where you can approve or reject the expense.

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