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pliant - Enable integration

Process of self-authorization for integration with pliant

Eileen Rohlfs avatar
Written by Eileen Rohlfs
Updated over 6 months ago

At a glance

  • Admins can set up the integration between pliant and Circula so that credit card expenses automatically appear as drafts in the submitter's Circula account.

  • The process is started in the company's pliant account and completed in the Circula account under "Integrations".

  • For the transfer to work correctly, the e-mail addresses of the users in pliant and Circula must match.

  • Creditor numbers must be available either for the integration or for the users.

With Circula's Credit Card*, transactions from virtual and physical VISA Credit Cards are automatically created in real-time as expenses in Circula, therefore if a user adds a receipt to a transaction in pliant, the receipt will be forwarded to the respective expense in Circula.

For this, the integration to our interface partner pliant must be established beforehand.

This article highlights the steps to activate the Circula-pliant integration on your own.

Activation of the pliant-Circula integration


  • Activation of the integration can only be performed by the administrator of the Circula and pliant organization/corporate account.

  • Independent activation of integration applies only to individual entities: If only one pliant entity exists, but multiple entities exist in Circula, only one entity in Circula can be connected to the pliant integration. However, if there are multiple pliant entities (in a single pliant account), they can be connected to their respective Circula entities.

  • The integration allows a single connection per entity.

Activating the integration

  1. The administrator logs into their pliant account and selects Integrations > Circula > Connect Circula

    step 1

    step 1

  2. In order to set up the connection between pliant and Circula, all data required to transfer the transaction data and receipts to Circula is entered. The following data is required:
    Master data of the organization
    Employee and team data of card users
    Credit card data
    Transaction and voucher data
    Credit card statement/accounting data

    Click Authorize after the data transaction.

    Specification of Credit Card and personal data for data transfer between pliant and Circula

  3. You will then be forwarded to Circula to confirm the connection.

    Redirect to Circula

  4. The administrator of the Circula corporate account logs in with the Circula credentials.

  5. Next you choose the Circula entity you want to connect with pliant.

    You will see all the organizations that are currently connected with your Circula account. Choose the correct entity.

  6. Optional settings
    Two fields can be filled in the integration settings in Circula, which can also be edited in the future.

    1️⃣ A standard creditor number can be specified for all expenses that run via pliant. If this field is not filled in, the secondary creditor number of the submitting user is automatically used. If there is none, the first creditor cumber of this user is used.

    💡 Note: Please ensure that either a creditor number is entered for pliant expenses or that secondary creditor numbers are available for all submitters of pliant credit card expenses. If the first creditor number of a user is entered, the expense will be exported as reimbursable, which can lead to mistakes in the accounting.

    2️⃣ Catch-all-user for non Circula users: If pliant users do not have a Circula account, but the expenses are still transferred from pliant to Circula, the default user will receive his/her expenses. This way the (travel) expense report can still be done correctly and assigned to the books. This specification is highly recommended!

    The final setting of the integration in the Circula interface

    The administration can now be completed. Agree to the settings of the data transfer between pliant and Circula. After that, you will be redirected back to pliant.

    Edit integration to a later stage

    If you want to set up the creditor number or catch-all-user for integration between pliant and Circula later, these can be done by Circula administrators by navigating to Integrations > Credit Card.

To disconnect, please click on the three-dot icon and select "Deactivate integration". The integration can also be deactivated in the pliant account.

Missing pliant expenses

First, please check that the user's email address is the same in both pliant and Circula. The email addresses must match. If this is given and some pliant expenses are still missing in Circula, please reach out to us. If receipts are missing, you can add those manually to Circula.

Pending Pliant expenses

A pliant expense can only be added to a folder or trip, once the transaction is fully confirmed by the bank.

Deleting categories

It is not possible to delete categories if a pliant expense is still pending.

Do you still have questions?

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📞+49 30 588 491 01

*Cards are issued by Pliant Oy, identified by business ID 3266913-9, in accordance with a license from VISA Europe Limited. Pliant OY is recognized as an Authorized E-money payment institution and duly authorised and regulated by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Finland.

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