General information for Circula Expense Management
Circula explainedAn overview of how to process expenses using Circula.
Our Educational MaterialsAll materials, that you need for a successful start
Invitation E-MailHow to activate your user account after receiving the invitation email.
Types of expensesTrips, folders, regular expenses, mileages: see which types of expenses can be submitted using Circula.
Mileage calculationHow Circula automatically calculates mileage expenses.
Per diem calculationHow Circula automatically calculates per diems.
Federal Travel Expenses ActBasic information regarding the Federal Travel Expenses Act and Circula.
Currency conversionCircula currency conversion method explained.
Three-month ruleWhat is the three-month rule and how is it triggered?
Working meals (Sachbezug)Taxation of meals by the employer.
Enable and disable notificationsLearn how to enable and disable notifications in the Web App.
OCR (Optical Character Recognition)Scanning receipts automatically using the OCR Feature
PDF-parsing supported formatsAll PDF-invoice formats our parsing engine currently supports.
Calendar integrationIntegrate Circula with your calendar
Supported Software Versions for iOS and AndroidFind out if your Smartphone supports the latest Circula App features
Sample InvoiceSample Invoices for your trial phase.
Accessible reimbursement of travel expensesHow does Circula implement digital accessibility?
Contact usHave questions? Get in touch with someone from Circula.
Data protectionHow Circula ensures your data is safe.