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Circula Expense Management
Circula Expense Management explained
General Information
General information for Circula Expense Management
Circula explainedAn overview of how to process expenses using Circula.
Our Educational MaterialsAll materials, that you need for a successful start
Invitation E-MailHow to activate your user account after receiving the invitation email.
Types of expensesTrips, folders, regular expenses, mileages: see which types of expenses can be submitted using Circula.
Mileage calculationHow Circula automatically calculates mileage expenses.
Per diem calculationHow Circula automatically calculates per diems.
Federal Travel Expenses ActBasic information regarding the Federal Travel Expenses Act and Circula.
Currency conversionCircula currency conversion method explained.
Three-month ruleWhat is the three-month rule and how is it triggered?
Working meals (Sachbezug)Taxation of meals by the employer.
Enable and disable notificationsLearn how to enable and disable notifications in the Web App.
OCR (Optical Character Recognition)Scanning receipts automatically using the OCR Feature
PDF-parsing supported formatsAll PDF-invoice formats our parsing engine currently supports.
Calendar integrationIntegrate Circula with your calendar
Supported Software Versions for iOS and AndroidFind out if your Smartphone supports the latest Circula App features
Sample InvoiceSample Invoices for your trial phase.
Accessible reimbursement of travel expensesHow does Circula implement digital accessibility?
Contact usHave questions? Get in touch with someone from Circula.
Data protectionHow Circula ensures your data is safe.
Expense Management for Users
All you need to know as an user
Submitting expenses and mileagesHow to submit your expenses and mileages using the mobile and/or the web app.
Submitting foldersWhat are folders and how to create them.
Submitting tripsWhat are trips and how to create them.
Submitting digital invoicesHow to manage and store your digital invoices in Circula.
Expense statuses for submittersGet to know the different expense statuses for submitters.
Assistant modeManaging assistants and submitting as an assistant.
StorageStore receipts and digital invoices to submit them later
Capturing receiptsHow to use the Circula receipt scanner
Managing physical receiptsHow to upload a receipt from your phone
Marking reimbursable expensesMark expenses as reimbursable, and how to find whether an expense is reimbursable.
Tax-Export for the private annual tax declaration
The CSV Report for UsersHow to download your submitted expenses as a CSV report.
Expense Management for Accountants and Supervisors
All you need to know as an accountant or supervisor
Approving expensesHow supervisors approve expenses in the web app.
Controlling expensesHow accountants control expenses in the web app.
Deleted ExpensesHow expenses can be deleted while you are editing them
Expense statuses for supervisors and accountantsGet to know the different expense statuses for supervisors and accountants.
Duplicate detectionHow Circula detects and flags duplicate expenses and trips
Approving expenses in the mobile appHow supervisors approve expenses in the mobile app
Review and control of foldersHow Supervisors and Accountants can approve and review expenses within a folder.
Review and control of tripsHow Supervisors and Accountants can approve and review per diems and expenses within a trip.
Expense exportsHow to create and export expense reports in different formats.
Ordering DATEV-data services for clientsFind out how to order data services such as the DATEV Rechnungsdatenservice 1.0 or the DATEV Lohnimportdatenservice for clients.
Expense Management for Admins
All you need to know as an admin
First Steps for AdminsAn overview on how to set up your Circula Account
Creating a company accountFirst steps to create a Circula account for your company.
Managing company settingsManage company information and payment information in the web app.
Managing expense categoriesCreate and edit expense categories in the web app.
Cost centersManaging and using cost centers in the web app.
Cost UnitsManaging and using cost units in the web app.
User rolesSubmitter, accountant, supervisor and admins: an overview of the different user roles in Circula.
Inviting usersHow to add new users and manage existing ones.
Groups and user rolesCreate groups in the web app. Assign users to groups and define their roles.
Setup for multiple entitiesHow to set-up Circula when you have multiple legal entities.
Expense PoliciesHow to set expense policies
Suppliers FeatureEverything you need to know about the suppliers (external creditors) feature.
Document Management System (DMS)How does the correct storage of receipts work?
The CO₂ reportFind out how you can track the carbon footprint of expenses and mileages in Circula.
Invoices FAQWhat you need to know about your invoices.
Account cancellationHow to cancel your Circula subscription