All you need to know as an accountant or supervisor
Approving expensesHow supervisors approve expenses in the web app.
Controlling expensesHow accountants control expenses in the web app.
Deleted ExpensesHow expenses can be deleted while you are editing them
Expense statuses for supervisors and accountantsGet to know the different expense statuses for supervisors and accountants.
Duplicate detectionHow Circula detects and flags duplicate expenses and trips
Approving expenses in the mobile appHow supervisors approve expenses in the mobile app
Review and control of foldersHow Supervisors and Accountants can approve and review expenses within a folder.
Review and control of tripsHow Supervisors and Accountants can approve and review per diems and expenses within a trip.
Expense exportsHow to create and export expense reports in different formats.
Ordering DATEV-data services for clientsFind out how to order data services such as the DATEV Rechnungsdatenservice 1.0 or the DATEV Lohnimportdatenservice for clients.
The Expense Export
All you need to know about the expense export
How to open a CSV-FileHow to open a CSV export file correctly
DATEV-Export: Purpose to Booking textHow to transfer your purpose field in the Circula App to the booking text at DATEV.
Transfer to DATEV Unternehmen Online (Cloud Services)Transfer expenses into DATEV Unternehmen Online using DATEV-Cloud-Services
Export DATEV XML-FileHow to import your expense data to DATEV.
DATEV EO Comfort. Part 1: ImportHow to set up EOC and Circula integration
DATEV EO Comfort. Part 2: Expense items in CirculaHow to apply expense items in Circula
DATEV EO Comfort. Part 3: ExportExport and reimport data to DATEV EO Comfort
The Payroll Export
All you need to know about the payroll export
Setting up the Payroll ExportHow you, as an admin, can set up the data for the Payroll Export.
Export of payroll data directly to DATEVTransfer wage data to DATEV LODAS or DATEV Lohn und Gehalt with the help of the wage import data service.
Exports for DATEV LODAS and Lohn- und GehaltDescription of DATEV payroll exports for LODAS and Lohn- und Gehalt
SEPA exportHow to export expenses as SEPA transfer file.